600 Markley Street, Port Reading, NJ 07064
Recipient in America or in Canada
If the parcel is being shipped from Ukraine to the USA, then payment for delivery is made at the customer's choice - either in Ukraine or in the USA. The maximum value of goods that can be imported into the USA without paying customs fees is $800. The amount of duty is determined by the customs office because different goods have their % of duty.
If the parcel goes from Ukraine to Canada, the customs duty is also paid by the recipient. A parcel with a declared value of up to 20 Canadian dollars is duty-free. The amount of duty is determined by customs. Customs has codes for various goods that determine the amount of duty, i.e. % of the declared value of these goods. The duty rate ranges from 0% to 18% depending on the product. Every package arriving in Canada with a value of more than 20 Canadian dollars requires customs clearance, a service provided by a customs broker. The broker charges a brokerage fee for customs clearance of goods. Customs brokers act on behalf of the government. They have permission from the government to determine the amount of duty on the parcel, issue an invoice on behalf of the government, receive and remit to the government the duty paid. The logistics operator receives an invoice with the duty amount from the customs broker, collects and transfers the funds to him. The customs broker transfers the funds to the government. Any parcel worth more than 20 Canadian dollars cannot be released to the consignee without payment of duty. For example, let's calculate the duty on clothes. Duty on clothing imported into Canada is 18% + 13% HST = total duty on clothing will be 31% of the declared value of the clothing. The services of a customs broker for customs clearance of the parcel (brokerage fee) are paid separately.
Sender from Ukraine
Shipment Info